Thursday, November 17, 2016

President Trump or: How I Learned to Start Worrying and Leave the Country

 I woke up early Wednesday morning last week to take my usual “late-nite” pee and made the unfortunate mistake of looking at my phone. I had tried to watch the election returns on TV but by 11pm things were not looking too good for Democrats and I was tired.

“If I don’t watch, things will turn around… Isn’t that what ‘everyone’ is saying?”

Among the stream of updates from The New York Times was the unbelievable. Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States of America!!

“Oh My God!! What have we done!!” was the first thing out of my mouth, then repeated over and over and I hugged myself and tried to calm myself down. But I wasn’t calm. I was afraid. I could not get back to sleep until exhaustion took over around 5AM.

I spent a good part of the day in bed. Thank goodness for Klonopin or I might have become apoplectic with despair!

I have never been what some might call a “proud American”. I find America to be a capitalist wonderland that arrogantly believes we’re the best and that our style of “Democracy” will fill the void of any government that topples. I felt fortunate when traveling in Europe that I didn’t “look American” so I did not have to take the blame for their anger with Reagan or the Bushes. But never before in my life have I ever felt truly ashamed to be an American.

Donald Trump is a savvy entertainer, a shrewd campaigner and a misogynistic, xenophobic Fascist. The fact that he is endorsed by the KKK and other “alt-right” groups just proves the point. His placement of people from these groups into his White House staff solidifies that truth. The United States of America has elected a Fascist for President.

They say that great emotional trauma gets encoded genetically and relayed to future generations. Maybe that’s what causing me to feel this way. Plenty of members of my family were wiped out in the Holocaust and as Jews we are taught to “Never Forget”.

And so I have decided to take action and initiate my exit plan. I call it Amexit!

I have “jokingly” said for years that I wanted a Canadian husband but it wasn’t a joke. I really do. I’d like to live somewhere where people down frown of National Healthcare. I had signed up for Maple Match, a service started recently to match up Americans and Canadians, a while back. My problem has been that they only operate on an iOS system and I use Windows and an Android phone! I do not intend to let this opportunity slip through my fingers so I am enlisting an on iPhone 4 my sister has retired so I can actively start looking for my escape.

I also intend to use my Jewish heritage to look into making Aliyah and moving to Tel-Aviv. Israel? Now!!? At my age?? Well, I feel I’d rather sit out the next four years in a beautiful seaside city with an open and welcoming LGBTQ community then to sit around and watch a group of desperate old white men try to hold on to their patriarchal privilege by tearing down everything that make this country great: the right to live and be who you are, as you please; to observe and practice whatever religion you chose; to love who you love and still be able to enjoy the privilege of unquestionable marriage.

Don’t be fooled by the media. They failed us this past election and they are failing us now. This is not normal. These are not going to be safe time for anyone who doesn’t goosestep to new Trump Reich.
We can wait and see ‘what will happen’ once he’s in but I know that once they start the round-ups I will feel better knowing that my Amexit plan is fully functioning and operational.

After Hurricane Sandy, posters and ads popped up all over the city advising people to have a contingency plan in place for an emergency.

I would advise the same now.