They've come. They've gone!
What did we think?
Everyone's been gripping about NBC's coverage. But let's face it! They were doomed from the start! London is 5-6 hours ahead of us and even NBC Universal cannot control time! Maybe next time.
But there are other things with which one can take offense.
And the guilt lies with NBC!
The English, in their true blue manner, managed to present us with an image of themselves that is quirky and innovative. The Brits, with Shakespeare, Sheridan and Shaw in their blood, returned to their roots: words and theater.
The two epic productions that book-ended the event this Summer seem to confuse people... Why wouldn't historic figures quote Shakespeare? The over-arching "weirdness" of the opening ceremony was what makes the Brits the Brits!! Hospital nannies (looking remarkably close to Tea Ladies), phosphorescent blankets and multiple Mary Poppins. Music, drama and fashion book-ended the two-plus weeks that the Olympics took in London, a city that has, like in 1948, overcome its past to recreate itself as an international capital all over again!
(London performed this miraculous act over a decade ago, but now its internationally official. I sum it up to the Chunnel!)
Let's face it: Anyone that could get Elizabeth II, Queen of England, to not only appear for the whole opening ceremony but enter with 007 via helicopter is alright with me!! It seems Queen Elizabeth II has finally learnt the lesson that Dame Edna Everage tried to teach her over 25 years ago: "Learn to laugh at yourself, otherwise you may be missing out on the joke of the century"!
As I said earlier, the English are the masters of the theater and spectacle! NBC is not. From the beginning they seem to drop the ball. Why put us through the entire Parade of Nations but cut out Akram Kahn's touching tribute to the victim's of the 7/7 attacks in London to hear Michael Phelps pontificate about his possibilities? It wasn't bad enough that IOC refused to acknowledge it's own history (and hat's off to Bob Costas for even bringing the subject of the Munich Massacre up during the parade), NBC seem to want to refuse any acknowledgement of true feel at all! As major allies of ours, I think all of us felt as strongly during their ordeal as they did during ours on 9/11 and I think NBC made them a major disservice.
And now NBC, answer me this: why, when a preliminary competition was held could you not tell us exactly when we could catch the following broadcasts? Seems like good TV etiquette, no? And why put in two channels dedicated to basketball and soccer then run the same games at the same time on a second family network? And WHY couldn't you take BRAVO out of commission for two full weeks instead of just one!?! WHY!!??!!
I did rather enjoy the closing event. The Brits are masters of Pop Music and they put up a nice representation. It seems Kate Bush got chopped out of the event and I didn't miss her. Annie Lennox came through in true-blue divahood and kudos to Jessie J for not one but TWO flesh-colored catsuits in one evening!! Both opening and closing presented a fabulous slice of English music, but it did beg the question.........
Le Rêve Américain
9 years ago
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