1) The People - Montrealites (and Canadians in general) are more laid back and laissez-faire about life and work. Although totally cosmopolitan and vibrant, one doesn't get the "what the hell do you want from me" attitude that so many New Yorkers exude from their very pores. Mind you, New Yorkers, deep down want to be friendly and helpful, but they want to be that way SO bad that they end up just being pushy and arrogant about even that!
2) Marijuana - Montreal's air still wafts with the odor of joints and spliffs. It's a delightful odor, one that was highly present in New York until that "quality of life" Nazi Giuliani held sway over New York and made every pothead go underground. In Montreal, parks and street fairs carry the lovely smell of cannabis, and if cops are near by they simply do not care about it because it is a victimless crime.
3) Seediness - After Giuliani, New York simply lost its edge in this category. And its not just the Disney-ification of 42 Street. In Montreal, there are still seedy sides of town where strip clubs, bars and pedestrian malls converge in a bumptious way that has a vitality New York has lacked lately. Mind you, I was never a fan of being propositioned by hooker on Eighth Avenue, but I do miss feeling that one could catch someones eye on the subway or bus terminal, find yourself 15 minutes later doing the nasty, then getting back to your life with a wry smile and a sticky sense of satisfaction. I think it was best summed up by a tee-shirt I saw someone wearing one day that simply said "Possibly......".
4) $5 Tuesday - Any town that can have all its movie theaters offer $5 admission to the movies on a particular day of the week is alright with me!!
5) Vegepate - a staple of the vegetarian diet, there is nothing comparable down here that is available in almost every supermarket. Delish!!
6) Liberte Dulce de Leche Mediterranean style yogurt - I love this yogurt. 8 % milk fat and even though I thought the lemon and coconut were real finds here in the states (when you can find it) this stuff is heaven in a plastic container. Have some and you will be able to die happy!
7) Poutine - The last of the true Quebec specialites. Feve au lard and head cheese are harder to find these days, but this dish of french fries, cheese curds and gravy is still the perfect dish for ending a long night of partying.
8) Bagels - Ever since H&H cornered the market in the New York bagel market & Thomas' think they know what a bagel is, the Montreal bagel is a step above our average meager fare. Thinner, with a larger hole, most Montreal bagels are baked in wood burning ovens which give them a lovely toasty brown color and deep, rich taste. Their consistency is a throw-back to New York's old bagels and a pleasure to indulge in while on a visit.
9) Apartments - Unless you've been living on the Upper West Side for the past 30 years, Montreal apartments are still spacious and remarkably cheap. I know of no one in Montreal who lives in a studio apartment, let alone paying $2,000 a month for the privilege!
10) Porches - While on the topic of apartments, it never ceases to amaze me that almost every living space in Montreal has some sort of outdoor space. It may be large, it may be small, it may be in the front, in may be in back, but almost no one goes without outdoor space. When the weather warms up on this island in the middle of a river, the people throw open their windows, put on their flip-flops, buy some beer, gather their friends and enjoy life passing by. People smile, people wave, people act like people, not privileged individual.
Le Rêve Américain
9 years ago
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